Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bringing Back the Magic of the Holidays

Does Christmas seem less like a great time to see old friends and more like a chore?  Are you tired of decking the halls and shopping for what seems like an endless list of gifts?  If so, the magic has gone out of the holidays for you, and that’s really a shame.  However, it doesn’t have to stay like this—you can bring back some of that holiday cheer pretty easily!

The holidays lose their magic when we lose sight of what’s really important—gathering with friends and family.  The biggest distraction to this seems to be gift giving.  While the original intent was to give a gift to those we appreciate and love, somehow it’s become an obligation.  Is there any way to make it less of a pain and more of the act of giving it originally was? 

For starters, you can cut down on the number of gifts you give or the amount you spend.  If you plan on doing this, be sure to talk to other family members and friends to let them know that you intend to make Christmas gifts less of a priority this year.  Suggest that they spend less on you, or that you don’t exchange gifts.  Some people may be very offended by this, but others will understand.  In these difficult financial times, many people may even be very relieved that you want to scale back Christmas.

Another option is to draw names or do a Dirty Santa exchange.  Both of these options require buying only one gift, so there’s less stress.  Dirty Santa, however, can be difficult if your group of friends or family members have diverse tastes. 

If your main issue with gift buying is going to the stores, try shopping online.  While it’s a little late to do so for this year without paying extra for faster shipping, it can save you some grief next year.  The selections online are often larger, and you may even find a better deal than you would in an actual store.

Don’t let buying gifts become so stressful that you dislike the holiday season.  Remember that it’s just one small part of Christmas, and it’s not even the most important part.  Relax, and enjoy all the magical times the holiday season brings!

Christmas flowers in Dayton, Ohio